
What Should I Do If I Have Squirrels in My Attic?

Discovering squirrels in your attic can be distressing. These rodents can cause significant structural damage, chew through electrical wiring, and pose health risks due to droppings and parasites. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you suspect squirrels have invaded your attic:

1. Confirm the Presence of Squirrels

Listen for scratching or scampering noises, especially during the early morning or late evening when squirrels are most active. Look for droppings, nests made of twigs and leaves, or gnawed wires and insulation. Squirrels often leave behind distinctive signs that can help you confirm their presence.

2. Avoid DIY Removal

Attempting to remove squirrels yourself can be dangerous. Squirrels can be aggressive if they feel threatened, and they may carry diseases. Instead, contact a professional pest control service that specializes in humane removal. Professionals have the expertise and tools to handle the situation safely.

3. Professional Inspection and Removal

A pest control expert will conduct a thorough inspection of your attic to assess the extent of the infestation and identify entry points. Using humane trapping methods, they will safely remove the squirrels from your home. The professionals will ensure that the removal process is effective and humane, reducing stress for both you and the squirrels.

4. Sealing Entry Points

After removal, it’s crucial to prevent future infestations by sealing all potential entry points. This includes repairing holes in the roof, eaves, and vents, and installing chimney caps. By closing off these access points, you can prevent squirrels from re-entering your home and causing further damage.

5. Implement Preventive Measures

To discourage squirrels from returning, keep your attic well-ventilated and free of clutter. Trim tree branches that overhang your roof, and ensure garbage cans are securely closed. Installing squirrel-proof bird feeders can also help keep these critters at bay. Maintaining a clean and organized attic reduces the likelihood of future infestations.

6. Regular Inspections

Schedule regular inspections with a pest control service to ensure your home remains squirrel-free. Early detection can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. Regular check-ups allow professionals to catch any signs of a new infestation early and take swift action to address it.

By following these steps and enlisting the help of professionals, you can effectively manage a squirrel infestation and protect your home from further damage. Remember, prompt action and preventive measures are key to maintaining a squirrel-free home.


Squirrel Problems for Northern Kentucky Homeowners

Squirrels, though cute, can become a significant nuisance when they invade your Northern Kentucky home. They often seek refuge in attics, causing extensive damage by gnawing through insulation, wood, and even electrical wiring. This not only results in costly repairs but also poses a fire hazard. Additionally, their droppings can spread diseases and attract other pests.

Homeowners should look out for signs of squirrel activity, such as scratching noises in the walls or attic, droppings, and nests made of leaves and twigs. To prevent squirrels from entering your home, seal all potential entry points, trim tree branches that overhang your roof, and ensure bird feeders are placed away from the house.

Signs of Squirrel Infestation

Squirrels are known for their persistent nature and ability to find entry points into homes. Common signs of an infestation include:

  • Noises: Scratching, scampering, or chewing sounds in the attic or walls, especially during early morning or late evening.
  • Droppings: Small, dark, and cylindrical droppings can be found in areas where squirrels are active.
  • Nests: Look for nests made of leaves, twigs, and other materials in your attic or near entry points.
  • Damage: Gnawed wood, insulation, or electrical wires are clear indicators of squirrel activity.

Risks and Dangers

Squirrels can cause significant damage to your home. Their constant gnawing can weaken structural components and lead to costly repairs. More dangerously, chewing through electrical wires can create fire hazards. Additionally, squirrels can carry parasites and diseases that pose health risks to humans and pets.

Preventive Measures

To prevent squirrels from entering your home, consider the following measures:

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for any potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof, vents, or eaves. Seal these openings with durable materials like steel mesh or hardware cloth.
  • Trim Trees: Trim tree branches that overhang or are close to your roof. Squirrels often use these branches as bridges to access your home.
  • Secure Bird Feeders: Place bird feeders away from your home and use squirrel-proof designs to minimize attraction.
  • Remove Food Sources: Ensure that garbage cans are securely closed and that pet food is not left outside.

Professional Pest Control Services

Professional pest control services are crucial for effectively dealing with squirrel infestations. Experts can safely and humanely remove squirrels, ensuring they do not return. They can also provide valuable advice on long-term prevention strategies, safeguarding your home against future invasions.

  • Inspection: Professionals will conduct a thorough inspection to identify the extent of the infestation and locate entry points.
  • Humane Removal: Using humane trapping methods, they will safely remove squirrels from your home and relocate them to suitable habitats.
  • Repairs and Sealing: After removal, they will repair any damage caused by squirrels and seal entry points to prevent re-entry.
  • Preventive Advice: Experts will offer recommendations on how to keep your home squirrel-free, including maintenance tips and environmental modifications.

Importance of Timely Action

Addressing squirrel infestations promptly is essential to minimize damage and health risks. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems. Regular inspections and maintenance are also key to ensuring your home remains secure against these persistent rodents.

Benefits of Professional Services

By relying on professional pest control services, homeowners in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, OH, can effectively manage and prevent squirrel infestations. Professional services provide peace of mind, knowing that your home is protected from the damages and dangers associated with squirrels.

Squirrel problems are a common issue for homeowners in Northern Kentucky. By being vigilant and taking preventive measures, you can protect your home from these pesky rodents. However, if you suspect a squirrel infestation, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service. Their expertise and comprehensive approach will ensure that your home remains squirrel-free, safe, and secure. With the right strategies in place, you can enjoy the beauty of Northern Kentucky without the nuisance of squirrel problems.


How Do I Get Rid of a Squirrel Problem?

If you’re dealing with squirrels on your property, you’re not alone. These agile creatures are common in many areas, including urban settings, and can cause significant damage and disturbance. Effectively managing a squirrel problem involves a combination of exclusion, habitat modification, and sometimes removal. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to rid your property of squirrels safely and effectively.

Understanding Squirrel Behavior

Squirrels are generally attracted to areas that provide easy access to food, water, and shelter. They can climb almost any vertical surface and leap across spaces to gain entry to buildings where they often seek out attics or wall voids for nesting. Understanding these behaviors is crucial to devising an effective management strategy.

Preventative Measures

The first step in addressing a squirrel problem is implementing preventative measures to make your property less attractive to these rodents.

1. Secure Food Sources: Remove sources of food that might attract squirrels. This includes securing garbage bins with tight lids, removing bird feeders or using squirrel-proof models, and covering fruit and vegetable gardens with netting.

2. Trim Trees and Vegetation: Trim tree branches to at least 10 feet away from your home to prevent squirrels from jumping onto the roof. Keep shrubbery and branches trimmed back from the sides of your house.

3. Repair and Secure Entry Points: Inspect your home for potential entry points such as loose siding, gaps under eaves, open chimneys, and unscreened vents. Seal these points with durable materials like metal flashing or heavy-duty mesh.

Humane Trapping and Relocation

In cases where preventative measures are not enough, humane trapping and relocation may be necessary.

1. Use Live Traps: Place live traps near the entry points or areas of high activity. Bait the traps with foods that are attractive to squirrels, such as nuts or seeds. Check the traps frequently to ensure that any captured squirrels are dealt with humanely.

2. Relocation: Check local regulations regarding the relocation of squirrels. Some areas may have restrictions on releasing wildlife in certain locations. It’s often best to consult with a professional to handle the relocation properly.

Professional Help

For persistent or severe squirrel problems, hiring a professional wildlife control service is advisable. Professionals can offer:

  • Expert Assessment: A top-notch team can provide a comprehensive evaluation of the squirrel problem and identify all potential entry points.
  • Effective Removal: Professionals use safe and humane methods to capture and relocate squirrels.
  • Preventative Solutions: Professionals can install barriers and repair damage to prevent future infestations.
  • Guaranteed Results: Many professional services offer guarantees, providing peace of mind that the problem will be resolved effectively.

Maintaining a Squirrel-Free Property

Ongoing vigilance is key to keeping your property free from squirrels. Regularly inspect your home for signs of squirrels and maintain all exclusion measures. Addressing potential issues promptly can prevent new infestations.

By understanding squirrel behavior, employing a mix of preventative measures, and utilizing professional services when needed, you can effectively manage squirrel problems and protect your property from damage. At Perfection Pest, we know how to protect your home from squirrels without causing injury to the animal. Reach out today for a consultation.